Will and Grace Wiki
Student nurses

"Billboard much?"

Arpie, Ping, and Burnadean were student nurses who went to nursing school with Jack. They took Basic Procedures under Nurse Carver.


Arpie is a Filipino student nurse who took the same classes as Jack. They are implied to have been close as he comforted Jack after being bullied by Nurse Carver.

  • His ethnicity is not mentioned but rather assumed, as Basco is Filipino-American.


Ping is a Korean student nurse who was also Jack's classmate. She became the "key student" after Nurse Carver deemed Jack unworthy. Soon after Jack got exempted from taking the class, Arpie, Ping and Burnadead seemed to enjoyed Nurse Carver's class to some degree and were an all-nighter at Ping's house where her mom is making parfaits.


Burnadean is an African-American student nurse who


Collectively, Karen calls them United Colors, a reference to its popular multi-racial ads.
